Kamis, 05 Juli 2018


What is Zealeum
Zealeum is an online platform that aims to improve health worldwide, public health, and all aspects related to bringing relationships between Individuals, business people, and healthcare providers. The Zealeum ecosystem consists of businesses, companies, and professionals working in the health and welfare industry.
This platform allows users to reach a wider market for their services. This platform ensures health and wellness ecosystems around the world through the creation of benefits by matching users and professionals using the algorithm. To provide value, those in the ecosystem must provide their products or services to obtain a ZEAL token or get prizes through the purchase of products and services within the platform using tokens. This will help them monetize and provide incentives for healthy living.
Phase 1
  • Personal health and fitness wallet connected to health apps and wearables.
  • Token rewards for pre-defined trackable health goals, purchases, and data compensation enabled by smart contracts.
  • Health related businesses, service providers, establishment, and professionals accept payment in the platform.
  • Secure health, fitness, and medical data storage for individual's future use and benefit.
Phase 2
Healthcare Industry
Zealeum will act as a medium for reward to compensate medical practitioners and clinics who offer diagnostics, tests, referrals and second opinions within the Zealeum network. The first pilot program will then commence at an already selected clinic in Canada.
Zealem’s goal is to become a gateway to global standard healthcare secured and operated on the blockchain. We will guarantee our users a secure and transparent method of procuring and paying for medical services globally. You will own your data, having instant access to real-time and historical medical data, which can be shared by you with your doctor or physician, etc.
Data Systemization
Zealeum will enable users to consolidate all their data, whether personal, fitness, medical, or emergency, stored in a single platform. All data will be secured with encrypted codes, keeping all information private and safe.
Secondly, we will be implementing a framework for standardization to facilitate interoperability between healthcare institutions to enable fast and reliable sharing of data with permission layers. This framework and interoperability will increase efficiency at all levels, while mitigating the risk of leakage, fraud, and cybercrime. A secure and efficient system to store all your data, in a convenient and user-friendly manner, which would include: medical records, personal data, test results, scans, x-rays, treatment plans, prescriptions, referrals, billing, claims, etc.
Data Systemization Addresses 3 Critical Concerns with Master Patient Data
  1. You own your data. It cannot be illegally shared or tampered with. Access it and share it with whomever you want, whenever you need—all available at your fingertips.
  2. Standardization is required for interoperability, so hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes can view, share, and update data accurately and easily, reducing errors and fraud.
  3. Your emergency data, such as blood group and allergies, can be accessed instantly. These innovations will allow for more efficient and accurate treatment—it just might save your life.
Token Purpose
Zealeum is set to revolutionize the health, fitness, and healthcare industries with the power of blockchain and smart-contracts technology, providing a bountiful variety of health-related solutions to consumers and health-related industries. The Zealeum Token will truly incentivize healthy lifestyles via the Zealeum Platform. Zealeum plans to apply for registration for listing on cryptocurrency exchanges to facilitate the token.
The Zealeum Ecosystem Participants
The Zealeum ecosystem participants include, but are not limited to:
  • Those tracking their fitness & wellness goals.
  • Those tracking health-related data to monitor chronic illnesses
  • Those documenting & planning meals.
  • Those interested in taking control of their healthcare.
  • Fitness trainers wishing to offer specialized packages to individuals based on their fitness & wellness profile
  • Nutritionists offering services including personalized meal plans given an individual users' profile & characteristics
  • Lifecoaches & other lifestyle gurus offering customizable and personalized packages based on the individual user's needs.
  • Fitness centers rewarding users with ZEAL Tokens in exchange for visiting a gym and working out or purchasing products or services from their establishment.
  • Companies offering massage services, martial arts classes, or therapy.
  • Insurance companies offering insurance products to customers based on their medical records & health profile.
  • Hospitals or doctors requesting a user's medical record & health profile.
Information Brokers & Data Purchasers
  • At the core of the Zealeum platform is the user-generated AND controlled health data and the corresponding data marketplace.
  • Users can decide which information can be shared or sold, and to whom.
  • Whenever purchase requests are made, users will be notified and can approve the sale of their data in order to earn ZEAL Tokens.
  • Requests for data can be made by professionals such as fitness trainers and nutritionists, establishments, information brokers, doctors or anyone else interested in potentially offering a user their product or service.
  • Users earn ZEAL Tokens simply for connecting with these potential purchasers!
  • Upon approval from individuals, information will be analyzed, aggregated and neatly packaged to sell to big data purchasers in order to fund further developments and community initiatives on the platform.
Zealeum Services
This platform strives to provide the best service by ensuring that its markets have the best products and services including the best health and wellness products, high quality health food providers and supplements, experienced dietitians, nutritionists, and more.
Transactions and interactions on the platform are through a Zeal utility token that has the basis of the Ethereum blockchain with the standard classification of ERC20. Standards for ERC20 form a series of common rules for token publishing through the Ethereum smart contract. This standard also ensures that Etherealum ecosystem token behavior is predictable and distributed applications and smart contracts are easy to communicate on the platform.

Zeal Tokens allow third parties such as information brokers to access selected user data by sending them a ZEAL token and giving them an opportunity to evaluate and accept the request.
Tokens will ensure that every participant in the community benefits through healthy living and data provided by obtaining and spending ZEAL tokens. The distribution of tokens in the Zealeum market will allow participants in the market to easily connect and enable exchange of ZEAL tokens for their products and data. This will ensure an increased experience provided on the platform. This platform anticipates an increase in the number of users on the Zealeum platform which will increase the demand for the Zeal token and thus further increase the token value.

The Benefits of Zeal Token
Connectivity: Platform users can sync their profiles with the apps they want so they can track their health and fitness data from multiple devices.
Privacy and security: This platform allows users to generate data, which can be shared and transferred. Users have the right to choose the information they want to share on the Zealeum platform to information brokers or data buyers. The blockchain base of the platform also ensures that data shared by users is safe and can not be accessed by unauthorized third parties.
Adjustments: This platform enables professionals in the health and fitness industry to create personalized nutrition and exercise plans that suit each user's needs.
Rewards: As a way of promoting the use of platforms, users get rewarded in the form of a spirit token when they make healthy lifestyle choices and tokens can be used to purchase products and services on the platform.

You can find out more about the platform or participate in their sales crowd through the following links:


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