Kamis, 23 Agustus 2018



StealthCrypto has the experience and the expertise to protect your data using next-generation decentralized blockchain security technology to help defend against emerging challenges in an evolving threat landscape. Our high-performance network encryption for long-term data protection Quantum key generation and quantum key distribution.

StealthCrypto makes cloud storage, IoT , and communications secure, and faster with StealthCrypto’s patented StealthCrypto


Quantum Cyber Security for a new age of communications – We are developing the largest decentralized, incentivized, self-sustainable, quantum mesh network based on blockchain technology. Using proprietary, end-to-end Dynamic Split Encryption, Dynamic Split GeoDistribution”, and quantum number generation, quantum key distribution and authentication.

The Ultimate in Quantum Secure Cryptography for data protection, as well as blockchain, communications, smart city platforms, IoT and banking. The Team is creating a single Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI) ecosystem that will be far superior than any existing ID systems, that is secure, private and available on demand.

StealthCrypto and the Stealth Grid development team prides ourselves on strong technical expertise and unique market knowledge, with 2/3 of employees working in R&D, including an international team of security experts and a number of world renowned cryptographers.


The main goal of the Stealth Grid is to simplify the most secure, reliable, modern, advanced decentralized, autonomous cryptography and encryption technologies and make them available to everyone. Stealth Grid is the first network to adopt blockchain for real-time communication networks and industrial usage.

By joining the Stealth Grid eco-network, you can do whatever you did before - have chats, calls, photo/video and document exchange, without having to worry about security and confidentiality issues in your virtual world, regardless of whether your communication is for personal or business purposes. That is why we call the company Stealth Grid Living stealth in the digital grid.


StealthCrypto is developing an asymmetric split encryption and authentication scheme that provides absolute security and the simplicity to share the secret keys with anyone autonomously. True random number generator (TRNG) solves the fundamental problem of all cryptosystems - the need for true randomness - in order to ensure that encryption keys, tokens, PIN numbers, seeds for pseudo RNGs and digital signatures are unique and cannot be predicted.

Benefits of a fresh, new, random split encrypted, asymmetric key generated for each transaction means securely authenticating and exchanging the symmetric keys of your choice. And because of the random element, StealthCrypto™ is quantum computer resistant.

The blockchain is revolutionizing many businesses and markets. It has an enormous potential regarding cybersecurity. Stealth Grid uses blockchain technology to develop bullet-proof solutions for B2C and B2B markets. By providing genuine dynamic split encryption key identification, Stealth Grid™ can prevent any kind of manipulation, interceptions and "man-in-the- middle" (MITM) attacks on all communication levels.


StealthCrypto, Quantum Key Generation and autonomous Global digital Id and eliminating the set up and management challenges associated with certificate based solutions. Unlike PKI, StealthCrypto is being designed to scale to the levels required for massive deployments characteristic of the Internet of Things and blockchain.

With no certificates to manage, StealthCrypto™ can protect billions of devices with ease. Securely protect data in motion and at rest when utilizing StealthCrypto's dynamic split encryption, dynamic geo distributed models.

With disruptive authentication algorithms using quantum number generators of decentralized I BE - key distribution through blockchain - it can neither be predicted nor anticipated what the properties of the encryption system is, as it is constantly changing and moving. Data is dynamically split encrypted and stored in user selected distinctive data centers around the globe.


The ultimate in quantum-safe security for long-term data protection; guaranteeing provably secure key exchange for encryption and other security devices on point-to-point backbone and storage networks.

In an increasingly treacherous cyber-security landscape, StealthCrypto authenticates the sender of a message, be it a person or thing. By authenticating or verifying the sender of every message, StealthCrypto ensures that any and all messages received are from trusted sources.


Cryptography with StealthCrypto Quantum powered entropy engine that provide full quantum entropy (one bit of quantum entropy per output bit) at the rates necessary for data center, cloud, large-scale internet of things (loT), and mobile applications. This will increase with the adoption of our decentralized Quantum mesh network that will create a quantum supercomputer.

With StealthCrypto NAS and Smart Phone model StealthCrypto distributes true entropy from a quantum source to properly seed random number generation across data centers and networked devices (a similar concept to network time protocol (NTP) for ensuring access to consistent date/time).

Cryptography • Authentication
IBE Authentication
Digital Identity


StealthCrypto Trust Centers (TC's), or NAS systems, offer a true peer-to-peer communication and data storage that can be embedded on a chip and can be configured for cross-domain secure communication, between stand-alone Trust Centers or StealthCrypto Cloud NAS servers. In this way, it's social by design.

Stealth Grid products and solutions are based on the underlying thought of creating an eco-system of safe interaction for consumers as well as business customers. Business opportunities today are diverse. Stealth Grid intends to be positioned as a pioneer, a global influencer, and a thought leader regarding blockchain usage for cyber-security purposes.


The StealthCrypto Token is essential to the function of the StealthCrypto Ecosystem. StealthCrypto is a functional Token that will be used on the platform to access various features, products and fees. Furthermore, as StealthCrypto services and products become more liquid and valuable over time, we anticipate it could be used to rebalance individual portfolios. In other words, liquidity generated by StealthCrypto can enable users to shift allocations between various currencies quickly and easily.


Total token supply: 400,000,000
200,000,000 tokens for Stage 1 Token Crowdsale
Pre Tokens Sale to start on January 28, 2018. The initial token price (ICO) will be set at a minimum of S0 .50, or present market value above S0 .50, when ICO launches July 05, 2018. 200,000,000 tokens will be reserved for Stage 2 Token Crowdsale (50% of total).

Stage 2 will happen no sooner than 2020, and all tokens will be sold at market price, not at a fixed $0 .50 USO value (important note: all percentage below will be adjusted in accordance with actual amount raised, e.g. if we sell 70M of 1 00M tokens, the following numbers will be multiplied by 0.007)


The StealthCrypto Fund operates as part of our business model, ensuring a stable token with a bright future. It is in our best interests to ensure that the STEALTHCRYPTO™ purchasing power grows over time and market manipulation is avoided. A total of 400 million tokens will be issued. This is how it breaks down in dollars during planning - the actual price is subject to change:



Is this company a good investment for you? If you believe in the power of artificial intelligence, yes. The developers of STEALTHCRYPTO are confident that they will be able to achieve some success in this segment. AI is likely to improve a lot in the future, as well as the cost of this company and its tokens.

STEALTHCRYPTO can be a good long-term investment for you, because it is likely that this company will offer you a good return on investment, but in the future. If you have enough patience, it would be nice to invest in this company.

Here are the reviews I present to you all in finding information and knowing the STEALTHCRYPTO project currently being run by their team, if there is any lack of explaining this article, do not worry, I have set up a link for you to get accurate information and of course you will be able to speak directly with their founder or team, at the link.

For more information :





Reliability combined with rich features
Enjoy the best digital asset exchange, focusing on the needs of novice traders, professional traders and digital money specialists. We are committed to making digital currency transactions accessible, fast and completely secure.


Buying, selling, holding and trading electronic money is hard. We are very excited about the new decentralized exchange ideas being developed, but they are often lacking in liquidity and creating markets. However, in the Middle East, we think that more active investors and investors are seeking a higher and easier contact to use a trading partner that is more in line with current expectations.

They when entering the financial market. Our clients also want to know that there are local people in the area where they can reach out to people who speak their language and understand their customs.

The electronic money exchange market is growing at an extremely high rate. One of our competitors, Binance, announced that they have bought over 250,000 new customers in a single day. Coinbase has more than 20 million accounts and 52 million codes are under management since May 2018.2.

To generate over $ 1 billion in annual fees according to Bloomberg analysis on the market. 3 Simply put, the size of the entire electronic money market is growing exponentially with strong signs. of the basic expected basic rate.4 The opportunity to trade around the world to gain market share in a fast-moving market is hard to underestimate.


CryptoSouk launched a trading platform electronic money Vincent & Grenadines from ST and Kuwait. The exchange will be launched in early Q3 2018 with trading pairs supporting Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, Zcash and Monero. The company plans to continue adding transactional support for additional encryption assets that the company feels beyond a certain minimum.

Our exchange also allows you to download your account by electronic money or fiat payment. Based on the founders' expertise, we chose our partner to help us provide both our trading platform and our range of funding options.

We believe we will be able to continue to grow in the region based on the following competitive factors. First we thought that it was possible to transfer fiat currency into and out as cheaply as possible and originated from Dinars, Dirhams, Riyals and Dollars as possible. To achieve that goal, we plan to invest in tools and partners that can help us reduce costs and make cheap or easy fiat purchases.

Second, we believe that, although not all of the cryptographic assets deserve to be listed on our trading floor, that the variety of trading pairs and ciphers will be one. Important factors that customers will consider when they choose priority exchanges.

Tuesday, We believe that higher touch customer service is very important in this area so we intend to invest in customer service so that we can provide more human touch on the scale while doing Effective and profitable. Last but not least, teams that have localized knowledge of KYC / AML related material will play an important role in providing a unique and frictionless user experience.

The Referrals CryptoSouk program is designed to create the evolution of viruses and is particularly attractive to both of our customers who can use their inner circle and the Influencers can use the resources. Their premium social media to promote CryptoSouk. CryptoSouk has a simple and very useful introduction system.

Each user who has an account on CryptoSouk.Exchange will have their unique referral code that can be shared with others. When another user registers using this referral code, the referee will receive 50% of the transaction fee paid by their referral throughout the year. For example, User A shares their introductory code with User B. User B enters the user's introductory code A when creating a new account.

During the year starting on the creation of User B's account,

CryptoSouk Exchange reserves the right to make any changes to the complete terminal of the referral program at any stage without prior notice.

We plan to use our token to reward our original supporters. Purchasers of SOUK utility tokens will receive a discount on transaction fees and other costs if paid with a SOK Token. Furthermore, we intend to redeem these tokens in the market with a portion of our profits when we make a profit. We think these incentives and rewards match the company with our early supporters and customers.

We plan to use our token as a modus operandi for valuable password asset projects to pay inexpensive fees for our listing fees. We are subject to a number of costs depending on the nature of the underlying encryption asset and the different charges depending on the level of similarity or differentity of each content from the blockchain protocol perspective.

However, we also believe that the listing of deserving projects should not be an excessive profit center as it is of people's interest to see them available to our customers with improved liquidity. . Furthermore, we also expect the upcoming security token wave and are taking steps to prepare our platform from a legal standpoint.

We have selected Malta for our [parent company] and our ICO due to the provisions of the forwarding token of that country and members of the European Union. We are also pursuing a trading license at the Abu Dhabi Global Markets (ADGM), which has offices in Kuwait, our operations are generally held.

Our current licensing status pending the final release of the regulatory framework for ADGM under the OCAB (Active Asset Encryption) and the recent finalization of the Virtual Financial Asset Act Malta. We believe that regulatory certainty will become a more important part of the decision on which exchange clients will entrust their encrypted assets.


Our technology is aimed at simplicity, security and reliability to support a wide range of features. Leading Transactional User Interface - CryptoSouk is a leading trading and financial technology company. We have built the best digital content exchange by focusing on the needs of professional traders and digital currency professionals.

We are committed to making digital currency transactions accessible, fast and completely secure. • Integration capabilities for KYC / AML, Bank / PSP • More than 20 order options including but not limited to; FILL or KILL, IOC, STOP, LIMIT, etc.


Type of Token 
ERC20 Token 
Token Ticker 
Token Price 
@ $ 0.50

$ 0.30 
Soft Cap Discount - $ 1 Million 
Release Date - July 9, 2018 
Duration - 30 Days

$ 0.5 Main Sale 
Hard Hat - $ 11 million 
Release Date - August 22, 2018 
Duration - 30 days


Team Success

David Dubrulle 
Co-founder and CEO
A businessman with 20 years experience across Europe and the Middle East with expertise in Investment Banking, Corporate Finance, Investment Advisors, Capital Market Guarantee and Corporate Investment Planning.

Gene Hoffman 
Co-founder, Member of the Board
Experienced businessman and former NASDAQ CEO. Currently serving as an advisor for Chia Network, as well as temporary board and CTO for AEToken.io.

Richard D'Souza 
Operations Manager
Richard spent 10 years as CEO with one of Kuwait's leading financial services companies. He has a total of 21 years of experience working in the Sales / Operations Department and established two financial services companies in Kuwait.

Basil Abusaada 
Customer Support
Basil is currently the CEO at JM Financial Brokerage Services Co. Kuwait, where he has been working since 2016. Basil has excellent customer service, sales and communication skills.


Rob Viglione 
One of ZenCash's founders and president of the Zen Blockchain Foundation. His expertise includes the frontiers of blockchain technology and cryptoeconomics, and is an industry leader and a proponent of blockchain selection and community startup efforts.

Andrew Bates 
International Private Banking has over 26 years of experience in six continents consulting on asset management, asset management, lending and business platform, along with the building and operation of teams. High performance

Morten Christensen 
Morten Mortgage Advisor has been involved in all kinds of electronic money since early 2013, or as a trader, exploit or launch another Crypto launch. His latest venture, AirdropAlert.com, has given him the opportunity to work with over 30 previous ICO phases.

Marco Calicchia 
Marco is the CEO and founder of MaZee, the leading ICO community marketing and communications agency. He is an ICO consultant and Blockchain has experience with over 25 ICO portfolio, including clients such as Experty, Remme and Open Platform.

Valtteri Serimaa 
Valtteri founded icotokennews.com and Digital Assets Ltd., an online marketing company for ICO. Before entering the cryptographic space, Valtteri has managed various online marketing agents.

More Information Visit The CRYPTO SOUK Link:




Senin, 20 Agustus 2018


Hasil gambar untuk hadiah pro sgame

What is SgamePro?

The SGame Pro platform is designed as the first mobile money-based mobile gaming system that allows users to exploit cryptographic cryptography and earn real money while playing video games. .

How to Game SgamePro, Mine Crypto Make Money Work
Basically this is the first mobile game synthesizer created in blockchain, giving users the freedom to exploit encrypted passwords easily by playing the most popular games in the world. One of the company's biggest announcements is a partnership they made with Pewdiepie, the most successful YouTube star in the world.

If you really want to participate in a video game platform, you can join them on Telegram as well as download and read the full report on the company website. Not only that, but not all about SGame Pro is supported by Eidoo and ICO Engine.

SgamePro Code ICM SGM Code Details
Having a whitelist on your company website can also be involved. Token name is SGM or SGame Coin. The total number of cards sold is set at 194.5mm and sold separately 139.5mm and the main sale is 55m. The primary token sale begins at the end of June 2018. The whitelist gives you insider information about everything that happens to the company, things like date, stats, special and numbers.

The token publisher is SGame SA, a company based in Switzerland. The symbol for this platform is SGM, which runs on the standard ERC20 tokens used by Ethereum. Sales of the company key tokens start in June 2018 at Chf rate starting 10 days before the main token sale. There is also an exchange rate for ETH / CHF which will start 24 hours before ICO.

The main currency used to run the platform is Ether, one of the required parts of the project is KYC.

Share the token
sales: 350,000,000 Separate sales: 139,59,9999
The main sales: 55,000,000
liquidity reserves of SGM: 83,000,000
Published by publisher: 51.000,00
Founded by: 15,000,000
Counselor and Founder: 15.000,00
Prize% Airdrops: 6.5 million

Sgame Pro is a gaming and community aggregator in which Players are rewarded at SGM by:

• Play iOS and Android mobile games from the world's best Publishers
• Challenging other Players
• Broadcast Their Challenges to millions of Players
• Take part in targeted action through Personalized Wall Offers

Players will be able to use SGM to exchange large quantities of digital and physical goods on the internal Sgame Pro market (hereinafter "Same Market") and at the Publisher's digital store. In addition, Players will be able to transfer SGM from their internal Sgame Pro wallet ("SWallet") to a compatible external wallet ERC-20 ("Personal Wallet").

Building on Alpha's success of Sgame Pro, which quickly reaches 50,000 users by 2017 with no marketing spending, the Beta version of Sgame Pro Platform will be released in May 2018, with an extensive new feature roadmap for 2018.


~ Concept
 We allow players to be rewarded with our new utility, crypto-token SGM while playing the most       popular mobile games in the world. SGM is the only way to access and benefit from Sgame Pro     Platform and the only method of completion for all transactions within the Sgame Pro ecosystem.

 ~ Focus
In development since August 2016, Sgame Pro successfully launched the Alpha version in 2017 to more than 50,000 downloads without marketing spend. Our entire focus is on the fast growing mobile gaming industry and we've developed several technical innovations that support Players, Publishers, Merchants, and Influencers.

~ Innovation
Our platform incorporates a fragmented Independent and Major Publisher sector into a one-stop-shop game platform where players will have the opportunity to challenge others in a game that was previously only a single player. This innovation is really annoying considering 78% of the mobile gaming market is a single player while most of the revenue comes from multiplayer games.

Token Economy
a. Transaction Model

The SGM token economy is centered around a continuous circulation of tokens between Sgame Pro and ecosystem participants aimed at a very liquid token. The architecture is built in a hybrid way where the SGM flow within the Platform is OffChain so the actual limitations of the Ethereum network (ie confirmation time, congestion, transaction costs) do not inhibit the daily platform functionality.

All SGM prizes for Players will be saved to the internal SWallet Player on Sgame Pro. Players will be able to immediately use SGM from their SWallet to perform all Sgame Pro ecosystem transactions without any cost or waiting time. The player has full control over when SGM is transferred from SWallet to a personal wallet of ERC-20 compatible.

b. Proof of play

One of Sgame Pro's main technical innovations is the rise of the Proof of Play protocol. Proof of Play is the mechanism by which Sgame Pro determines the consensus as to whether enough 'play' has been done to mine the "Play Block", releasing the SGM block prize related to the Player. This works in conjunction with the Proof of Work in which computing efforts by miners are rewarded.

Play-Block is defined as a series of actions that, if completed, result in a gift block in SGM. Play-Blocks vary by level, which determines the amount of 'game' required and the size of the SGM block prize. Initially there will be two types of actions in Block-Play: Action of Time and Action of the Offer Wall. Sgame Pro determines the Play-Block value, which may fluctuate from time to time, but the Player will always know the size of the SGM block prize in advance.

c. Liquidity Reserve

Sales Details

Publisher: Sgame Sa (Swiss Based)

Symbol: SGM

Type: ERC20

Primary Sale: June 2018

Price at Chf: 10d before Selling

ETH / CHF Exchange Rate: 24 hours before the Main Sale

Currency: ETH

KYC: Required

Token Distribution

Total Supply: 350,000,000

Private sale: 139.500.000

Primary Sales: 55,000,000

Liquidity Reserve SGM: 83,000,000

Saved by Issuer: 51,000,000

Counselor & Founder: 15,000,000

Bounties & Airdrops: 6,500,000




Further information:



Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2018


WPP's existing renewable energy contracts with various governments around the world, valued at over $ 50 billion, starts with an initial focus of $ 6B USD starting in December 2018. WPP ENERGY has signed contracts with many countries around the world on a federal level to produce green energy for 35 years in a row.
Contracts including PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) converts MSW (Municipal Solid Waste) into electricity and into products that will be used for the local market. The WPP's government contract business is expanding and will include upcoming announcements in a number of areas including the creation of future green villages and the city's 200,000 people, built in just two years, and the vertical agriculture greenhouse tower.
WPP ENERGY will deploy the most advanced global advanced technologies supporting second and third world countries with new opportunities to address their significant housing and energy issues. WPP is taking an important step by contributing an overall percentage of WPP TOKEN profits to facilitate the increase in electricity production as a humanitarian aid to countries with the greatest demand.
THE GREEN GLOBAL GREEN GREEN GREEN SOLUTION SOLUTION will be implemented by the end of the fourth quarter of 2018 to capture the electricity production data from the green power producers in the world. Green energy
Manufacturers involved in this platform are ready to supply electricity at wholesale prices to organizations and private consumers looking for clean electricity production around the world for discounted prices from traditional. WPP's global power generation data will also be streamed directly to the platform.
This platform will transform the power industry for the benefit of consumers and both providers, as the WPP platform will capture this supply through data transfer to the platform. Data transferred to the platform will include the type of energy generated, the amount of energy available, the price of energy, and its location.
The launch of the new Global Green Energy Platform will allow our ability to reduce the cost of producing green electricity to Users.
The WPP EXCHANGE PLATFORM will be deployed in Q4 2018 and will aggregate Cryptocurrencies to exploit different power and cryptography on the market into an exchange platform. This will increase liquidity for all participants in the platform by allowing different currencies to trade together and energize.
ADVANCED HHO TECHNOLOGIES. The forthcoming release of the three games of Advanced Power Disruptive Technology solutions will address many of the energy problems around the world:
WPP ENERGY MOBILE POWER STATION. WPP has a solution under development that will produce 1 to 2.5MW / h. This standalone power station only requires a water line hook-up and can be shipped anywhere in the world. 
This product will demonstrate WPP's market leadership to help solve a major energy crisis using WPP's proven technology to set up WPP as the world's preferred power source. For electronic money miners, provide a variety of clean and cheap energy solutions in front of small, medium and large operators. 
Forecasting the demand for electricity from the extraction of electronic money will boost demand exponentially
WPP's affordable, affordable energy solutions reduce the cost of mining to a fraction of what is currently available and with carbon footprint.
.HHO CLEAN ENERGY CONSUMPTION FOR STEEL, PETROLEUM, GAS AND GAS PETROLEUM. WPP has a solution under development that transforms polluting power producers into low-cost green energy producers. The WPP business plan includes conversion to clean the HHO energy as much as possible of the world's 20,000 polluted coal, oil, natural gas and gasoline-powered power plants. WPP has the total 
solution to clean the industry, significantly reduce operating costs and increase 
plant efficiency, while significantly lowering energy production costs and 
significantly increasing environmental benefits. .
.HHO HOME COMPLETE ENERGY SOLUTION. WPP has an ongoing solution that will provide a complete power supply that usually pays for itself less than two years; applying this technology will have no electricity bill for a period of time. short and will no longer need the power of the utility company
4 / WPP EXCHANGE PLATFORM is an early electronic money exchange that was released with the focus on electronic money encryption and electronic money encryption and digital tokens. This will result in increased liquidity for all electronic money involved by allowing the currency to trade with each other. At least 20 different energy related electronic money will be able to transact on the platform.
Introducing the next generation of WPP ENERGY MOBILE POWER STATION is housed inside a 40-foot-thick container. This is a turnkey HHO powerhouse that will produce between 1MW / h and 2.5MW / h as a standalone independent solution that only requires the input of regular water hook-ups. Our advanced technology converts water into HHO blended with safe environmental applications to create clean and green energy.
The cost of electricity produced by WPP MOBILE POWER STATION is a small part of the traditional power 
source. It can be delivered to your home anywhere in the world. Easy transportation by air, 
by rail, by sea, by truck or by heavy helicopter means that areas of the world without energy are serviced or undergoing maintenance. Feasible and immediate.
The WPP ENERGY MOBILE POWER STATION is the ideal electrical solution for the energy needs of many industries including hotels, shopping centers, schools, communities with immediate need for clean energy costs and / or wish to unplug their current suppliers and form the lowest cost grid, including the emergence of emerging energy crisis from the requirements of electronic money miners. Mobile power stations are also the ideal solution for the military.
The WPP HHO supply is a clean, low cost instant power source for those wishing to unplug their existing expensive power supply and enjoy a cost-effective independent power supply. very low cost, clean their own.
The HOME HHO solution runs on water and converts water into electricity, producing 100% clean energy. Users will be significantly reduced energy costs.
The HHO homeowner solution produces 50.4 KW per day and uses only 2.8 liters of water a day.
Users of this technology will discover that it will pay itself for less than two years. Users 
will not have electricity bills when their modest initial investment in HHO hardware has been restored. Utilities companies around the world will bear the brunt of the widespread market adoption when they lose customers after years of high consumer charges.
WPP TOKEN TOTAL SUPPLY: 5 billion Tokens 
Private Sale Price: $ 0.16 
Pre ITO Sale Price: $ 0.20
The separate sale period ends on July 1 and has a minimum purchase amount of 20 ETH at $ 0.16 per WPP token.


Project Overview
Wow, this is awesome; we’ve never had it this way before. Welcome to world first best crypto market. This platform gives the true definition if “Decentralization”, both the buyer and the sale come to a better understanding in carrying out their transactions.
By decentralization, we me you can easily buy or sell your items with cryptocurrency under some few simple clicks,  it is available for use worldwide, meaning anywhere and wherever you are in the world, you can connect with fellow user, buyer and seller within the Alphateca platform.
The cryptocurrency crazily reached its most recent peak in 2017. Together with their growth in popularity and interest, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology are being applied to different industries, ranging from finance, to gaming, gambling, supply chain, manufacturing, trade, commerce and more.
For instance, Cryptocurrency is becoming the most considered means of transactions in the auto industry, even such giants as Mercedes-Benz is joining with their own crypto-coin and all other players are joining this trend as BMW, GM, Ford and Renault launched joined blockchain research group. Alphateca has the mission is to bring the Internet trade on a new level and provide an opportunity for your best convenience of cryptocurrency use in their everyday life, Imagine how cool it is  that it takes you only 10 minutes to create your own private wallet without leaving your house, go to Alphateca and offer your tablet, car, yacht, song of your own composition or a rare artifact of the popular computer game for sale just in a few clicks!
It works with other types of goods too, for instance, with digital intellectual property. You can circulate your audio, e-books, computer games, photos and much more with cryptocurrency all around the world. Alphateca is a great way to monetize your creative potential. Among hundreds of thousands users worldwide there are those who will recognize your creativity and will be able to buy the copy for themselves.
This platform has several free features: item placement, auction, etc., but there are also paid services such as advertisements, shop making, guarantor, and some others. You can use it with cryptocurrency or tokens, which can be obtained during the ICO campaign. Every user who supports Alphateca from anywhere for a fee will receive his bonus tokens, individual achievements, be displayed in profiles and influence the overall ranking and level of trust in the account.
Guarantee services are very useful when ending a public relations or advertising agreement with media figures and opinion leaders. The buyer provides the guarantor with the requirements for the advertising material: time, place and content, the opinion leader (seller) does his part, and the guarantor monitors the fulfillment of obligations on both sides.
Some other Beautiful Things about Alphateca Platform
Starting your work on the Alphateca platform is quite simple. User-friendly interface, familiar images and simple language will allow you to understand the basic principles in just a few minutes. We have prepared a modern and convenient Support section for you, which include all the necessary material for exploring the crypto sphere through articles and videos. Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ) can be found on the website, in the relevant section. You can discuss problems or suggestions on the improvement of the website on the forum. Active forum users receive a rating and a special achievement displayed on their account.

Advantages of ALPHATECA:

All in one:

Numerous goods and services are collected on a single platform, which is very convenient to use. In just a few clicks, you are able to find the car you are interested in, contact sellers of car consumables and accessories, maintenance services, the nearest car wash or even a tuning salon – all of this without leaving the platform.
Buyers and sellers from all over the world meet in one place – on the Alphateca platform. When visiting another country, you can easily find goods and services in your city or region. Imagine how simple it will be to buy or rent all that you need without agency fees, or loss of interest when exchanging your country’s currency for local. You just come to your favorite city to relax, go to Alphateca, choose a product or service according to the place of stay, click on “contact seller” button and the seller instantly receives an alert from the platform.
Quick and cheap transactions:
The network commission for a transaction of cryptocurrency will be much less than the bank ones. Because of seller’s cost reduction the final price of the goods can be lower for the buyers too. Transaction is not subject to additional charges and does not lose interest when transferred to another country. Cryptocurrency is delivered to the seller’s account within minutes regardless of the distance.
Convenience of transactions:
All the necessary transaction tools are already on the platform: secure and fast purchase of cryptocurrency in a few clicks, conversion between any of the existing currencies.
Wide marketing coverage:
Our marketing strategy involves gradual offline and online advertising around the world and the enormous use of Internet tools for the promotion. We also rely on your positive experience of using the platform and we hope that you share it with your friends and colleagues.
the main feature of a successful global project. Your transactions are not dependant on banks working hours, holidays and weekends. Blockchain technology is available 24/7 and allows carrying out the most transparent operations, while maintaining the user’s privacy. Modern support service is made in the form of a guide to keep the platform user-friendly at all stages of problem solving. You do not need to create an account of the platform to get help – all information is available without authorization. Useful information is divided into the following sections: FAQ; forum, where the project community answers users’ questions, while earning reputation and achievements; direct support through a convenient form; video tutorials on using the website; special section for partners; and a blog with reviews of innovations.
Guarantor service:
Users of the platform can always use the services of the guarantor to conduct a secure transaction. The guarantor is an intermediary between the seller and the buyer. He monitors the terms of the transaction and is the first stage of arbitration. For example, you are going to buy a precious metal with cryptocurrency – and you have already found a seller on Alphateca. Using the Guarantor service, you transfer the amount to a secure account, which is frozen until the end of the transaction. The buyer and the seller carry out the transaction; the guarantor monitors the observance of all the subtleties and the fulfillment of all obligations. As soon as he made sure of a positive outcome, the cryptocurrency passes from the frozen account to the seller, and the buyer receives the precious metal. Otherwise, the cryptocurrency is immediately returned to the buyer’s account.
Hold service:
The buyer has an option to put the payment on Hold for a while. This is a fully automatic system, which transfers the buyer’s cryptocurrency to a secure wallet and transfers it to the seller after some time (Hold period). The presence of Hold in the transaction prevents the buyer from cheating on the one hand, and confirms his serious intentions for the seller on the other hand. Hold, for example, is a great tool when planning holidays and rental housing. Hold is automatically “defrosted” on the day of arrival, if the buyer has not canceled the payment for any reason. The presence of Hold guarantees the seller that the entire amount has already been paid by the buyer, and the buyer can check the conditions specified in the lease announcement, before further movement of funds.
Private auction:
Any seller can initiate a Private auction and send invitations to those persons whom he wants to see as the participants of the transaction. Suppose you have a rare item, which can be interesting to a narrow circle of collectors. You fill in the fly page; choose the time of the auction, its conditions and its type – “private”. In your personal account, you will receive a direct link for the participation in the auction and then you can send it by e-mail, SMS, telegram or within the website to those you deem interested. The invited user will be able to create a crypto account and immediately replenish it, or use an existing one. The results of the auction will be announced to the participants by e-mail and in the personal account within the platform.
We present an ATEC cryptographic token based on the Ethereum platform. The ATEC token has a limited emission. This is a utility token, it can be used for settlements only within the project, but it can be moved within the website. (We also do not prohibit ICO participants from moving ATEC tokens between wallets). The token cannot be used outside the website. All unsold tokens will be destroyed. The token can only be used once.
Token SaleICO (July 1- September 1)
Full emission177 000 000 ATEC
Period bonuses(3, 5, 7, 10%) and quantity bonuses (5, 10, 15%)
Token ticketATEC
ATEC emission distribution
Tokens distribution date2 weeks after the end of the ico
1 ETH7 000 ATEC
SoftCap1 000 000 $
HardCap10 000 000 $
Alphateca team

You can find out more about the platform or participate in their crowd sales through the following links:
